Permanent Laser Hair Removal Woodbury Minnesota
Unwanted body hair has distressed both men and women for centuries. Common methods of hair removal include shaving, waxing, tweezing, clipping and chemical depilatories. These methods have proven variable in their effectiveness, some messy and painful and all only temporary.
For long-term hair removal, electrolysis has been popular, but can be a long process. Hair by hair, an electric current passes through a needle to destroy the hair roots ability to grow.
People have longed for a faster, easier way to permanently remove unwanted hair. With our improved understanding of laser skin interactions and advances in laser technology, successful laser-assisted hair removal has emerged. Unlike electrolysis, which kills one hair follicle at a time, the laser reaches and treats hundreds of hair follicles at a time. Each of our office lasers are state-of-the-art systems specifically designed to remove your unwanted hair gently, fast and reliably.
For more information, contact
laser hair removal in Woodbury Minnesota today!