Male Body Hair Removal
Body Hair Removal is a personal choice made by both male and female. There is no right or wrong area for wanting to rid yourself of un-wanted hair rather, it is a matter of where you would like to stop the hair from growing which can be practically anywhere on the body from the top of your toes, legs, fingers, groin or pelvic area, face to on top of your head!
To start, there are many Laser Hair Removal treatment guidelines. The most important of these guidelines is determining the type of skin you have as well as the type of hair. In doing this you will have more awareness of what to look for in shopping for a clinic and what your price range will be. A practical way in which you can establish your settings for the Body Laser Hair Removal process is by searching online to find a clinic of interest and filling out the online evaluation form which will provide feedback from a laser specialist given the information you have entered. For example, if you are light skinned and have relatively dark hair and you explain what part of the body you would like treatment; our specialist will know what category you fall in (type I, II or III) and have the ability to better choose the right laser machine specifically for you. There are a series of questions you will respond to concerning your nationality/race, if you tan or burn easily and what your hair color is.
Fill out a free and confidential consultation here!
These common questions fit into a scale known as the “Fitzpatrick Phototype” which is broken down into type I, type II type III, type IV, Type V and type VI. Types I- III are most likely going to achieve the best results since they are fair skin and dark hair. Melanin needs to be absorbed by the laser in the hair follicle where there is pigmentation (melanin). Worst results occur when types V –VI are candidates with black skin and/or gray hair in which case the laser cannot depict the melanin in the hair’s root since the pigment of the skin also carries melanin which distracts the laser light and gray hair is so light it will not indicate any traces of melanin. However, do not be discouraged if you are darker toned, there is a machine known as the yag that may be able to work fairly on this skin type.
